On The Loose

A compendium of the travels and tribulations of an itinerant retiree

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Location: San Francisco Bay Area, Left Coast

Monday, October 16, 2006

Celebrity Status

Today four of us slipped out to visit the zoo, but were distracted by the Prince Albert Hall across the street. We went to investigate and discovered that it is a museum so we went in. The entry fee was a whopping 30 rupees (65 cents). How could we go wrong?

The place was crawling with school kids on outings. About half a dozen girls broke away from their group, eyeballing us. I'd guess they were in 8th grade or so. Anyway, they approached us like the proverbial giggling school girls and asked where we were from. We told them and they were so excited to meet us. They asked if they could take our picture! Of course, we said sure and then I took their picture and they all giggled some more. One of them got up the nerve to ask if any of us had US money because she collects foreign coins. Thats her story and she's sticking to it, lol. Georgia dug out a quarter and gave it to her and you'd have thought it was gold. Then I produced a lollypop and gave it to one girl and they all laughed. They really cracked up as I pulled out more of them one by one until they all had one.

I think we really made their day. I know they made ours.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally getting your news. Sounds like you are having a great time keep the info coming.

11:44 AM  

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