On The Loose

A compendium of the travels and tribulations of an itinerant retiree

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Location: San Francisco Bay Area, Left Coast

Sunday, November 12, 2006

First of all, nothing happened with the two British ladies. They were nice, elderly ladies. Even more elderly than me. You people!

Secondly, this software doesn't have a spell checker, so please forgive my semi-literate writhing.

I don't have anything special to report today. I have noted something interesting, however. We've been driving on a lot of backroads lately and there are a lot of women cruising around carrying things on their heads. That in itself is impressive. They carry everything on their noggins- luggage, multiple vessels of water, firewood, crops, lumber, furniture, kitchenware and even 24" TV's.

Having keen powers of observation, I have discerned that they adopt a peculiar gait while doing so. Apparently in order to provide a stable platform for their load, they minimize the movement in the upper portion of their bodies. According to Newtonian physics, that energy must be disipated elsewhere. In this case it moves southward, resulting in a very alluring movement of the gluteous maximus. This is only a hypothesis, mind you, and will require additional observations with a larger sample. A lot more. I know, I know, but somebody has to do it.

As I've mentioned, we've been on a lot of backroads lately. Which I prefer. Lots more interesting people and things to see. Slice of life stuff. Moms washing naked kids at the water well. Folks drying corn in their front yard. Women carrying water home on their heads (while their hips gently sway). Women scrubbing clothes on big blocks of stone, little girls driving herds of buffalos a thousand times their size. And always, men discussing important business.

The scenery is mostly tropical and agricultural. Beautiful fields being tended by farmers driving ox-drawn plows. People loading up carts impossibly high and wide with sugar cane. Acres and acres of bananas, sugar cane, coconut palms, rice paddies and betel nut trees. Gorgeous. Like a postcard. Weather is here, wish you were beautiful.

I just read a quote from someone who's name I can't remember, but he got it just right:
Life is a book. Those who don't travel need only read one page.



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